Saturday, October 13, 2007

Doing fine

mood: extremely tired and grumpy
listening to: the coffee machine

Referring to the post-it and the message on it: How are you doing? bla bla

I am doing fine - anonymous asker! Thanks for asking anyway ... and please, why can't you state your name, hm?

I won't kill anyone stating his/her name though ... I just would like to know who is asking or telling me something - and btw, I know what Gregory writes down on the post-it and what he does not.

Witty, huh?!

So ... it is early morning - I had no coffee so far and I am damn tired on that very Saturday!

I might write down the rest of the story later - when time will allow me to!

Have a lovely day or weekend or whatever - I will have my first mug of strong black coffee NOW!

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