Monday, August 13, 2007

Still alive ...

The reason why I did not write for that long time is fairly simple: my own notebook broke down lately and that is why I could not write ...

Still having no new one but having a bit of a spare time here at work and using my PPTH computer for giving you a short life sign.

Work really made a busy bee of me lately - as summer is here many family "docs" are away and so there is a lack of doctors for clinic duty. My normal day schedule consist of a bit of my ward round in the morning - some appointments and then clinic duty ... clinic duty means sometimes I am out of here at 10, 11 or later in the evening.

Greg is doing good and as he is eager to win a running competition he trains his leg every day now ...

When I am coming home there are other things to do then sitting in front of the computer and informing you about my all-day bustle ... sorry if you did miss me though.

I will try to update you from time to time ...but please understand that I can't dance on every wedding (if you know what I mean).

Things between me and Greg are back to normal and it is good to see that his grumpiness vanishes from day to day his leg is working better.

Now I have to go back to work again ... see you around!



Anonymous said...

I’m sorry your laptop broke down...
Of course we missed you, you and your spicy journal, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we understand you do have a busy life (if that’s what you meant by dancing on weddings). In some funny way you’ve got me hooked, I for one will be checking in from time to time.
In anticipation of the latest ‘news’…

Dr. James Wilson said...

Hi Caren,

I exactly meant that with "dancing" ... I got you hooked, hm?

Well, unfortunately you and all the other readers will have to wait a few more days - but the new laptop was promised to me for the coming days and should I be lucky - there will be some 'news' updating the coming days from sunday on.
